World War II
Back to overview.
Network of Tobs during the first years of the war in Holland.
Underground WW2 networks.
Network of Tobs during his first mission.
Network of Tobs during his second mission.
Network of Jan Steman.
Network of Paul Polak.
Network of WT operator Pieter de Vos.
Network of Frans Dijckmeester during his mission WESTMINSTER.
Network of Hil Schipper, CAT.
Network of intelligence service Bureau Inlichtingen.
Network of Jedburgh team Dudley.
Network of Hil Schipper, CAT.
Network of the resistance groups in Overijssel.
Network of Dr. Henk Veeneklaas.
Network of Huub Lauwers.
Network of Lodo van Hamel.
Network of Hans Zomer.
Network of MI-6 WT operator Aart Albas.
Network of MI-6 WT operator Willem van der Reijden.
Network of SOE WT operator Han Jordaan.
Network of DRAUGHTS II, Cor van Paaschen, The Hague.
Network of SOE' s N-Section (Holland).
Network of Delta Cenrum in Amsterdam.
Network of Bureau Bijzondere Opdrachten at London.
Network of wireless service AC in Bilthoven.
Network of resistance organisation CS-6.
Network of resistance organisation Zwaantje, Delfzijl.
Network of wireless organisation PACKARD in Holland.
Network of the resistance organisation Orde Dienst (OD)..
GRU name index KV/350 & KV/351.
GRU networks in Belgium and Holland.
GRU neyworks in Germany
GRU networks in France
GRU networks in Switzerland.
 GRU blunder
 German signal counter intelligence.
GRU networks in Switzerland.
Transports to Germany and sentences.
Germans involved in hunting down the communist networks.
German wireless communications.
The top of the German Signal troops.
Ober Kommando West
Ober Kommando des Heeres.
 GRU blunder
 Coding and decoding unit after 1939.
Coding and decoding unit.
 GRU blunder
 GRU blunder
Signals within Army Groups.
Signal counter intelligence.
 GRU blunder
 GRU blunder
 Signal counter intelligence.
 GRU blunder
Abwehr communications.
 GRU blunder
Germans and collaborators in Holland.
What the Germans knew about Dutch resistance organisations..
Contactsddress of SOE in Amsterdam.
Espionage groep Klingen, aka ECH/3
Espionage groep Stijkel
Espionage groep Stijkel
Espionage groep Stijkel
What the Germans knew about Dutch resistance organisations..